Is the Technology of Braces Outdated?

Clinical Content Reviewed by Byte Licensed DDS
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Table of Contents

  1. How Your Teeth Move
  2. Modern Braces
  3. Why Braces?
  4. Aligners
  5. Are Aligners for You?
  6. Old vs. New Braces Technology
  7. Braces Technology: A Timeline
  8. Ancient Braces
  9. How Do Aligners Work?
  10. Frequently Asked Questions

The technology behind traditional braces isn’t outdated, but there have been advancements in the field that have improved upon it over the years. Today, patients have more options than ever before to straighten their teeth quickly and easily.

Old vs. new braces technology: A comparison

Old braces involve brackets glued to your teeth connected by wires. New braces involve clear trays that cover your teeth from top to bottom. Both approaches can move your teeth, but subtle differences separate them.

In 2019, researchers examined data from eight separate studies that compared aligners and traditional braces. Patients had a wide variety of dental problems, including some issues the researchers considered severe. They found that aligners and braces were similarly effective in correcting mild-to-moderate problems, but they weren’t as good as braces in fixing big issues.

Due to studies like this, it’s common for dental professionals to recommend aligners for people with mild-to-moderate dental issues. However, they may suggest braces for people with complex problems aligners can’t address.

In this same study from 2019, researchers found that people using aligners had a statistically shorter treatment time than those who used braces. However, treatment times are typically associated with case complexity. Since people who use braces often have more significant dental problems, they often need help for longer periods.

In surveys conducted by CostHelper, people without insurance report paying up to $7,350 for treatment with conventional braces. This same group reports paying up to $8,000 for in-office treatment with aligners (such as Invisalign). Surveys like this suggest that both sets of devices cost about the same amount. However, at-home, doctor-directed aligners like Byte can cost much less.

Clear aligners are removable, and people are instructed to remove them for eating and brush their teeth before putting the devices back on. Researchers say that some people actually experience better oral health during aligner treatment, as they’re brushing more often than they would otherwise. Since old versions of braces can’t be removed, they don’t come with the same benefit.

how braces work

Why do your teeth move?

Think of a Halloween skeleton, and you're likely to think of a head filled with teeth rooted to the jaws. Your molars, incisors, and other teeth shouldn't move, right? After all, they are connected to the bony parts of your head. 

In reality, your teeth can move quite easily. But they need constant pressure to make the shift. 

Experts explain that mild pressure, constantly applied, will change the position of your teeth. It happens in a step-by-step fashion:

The push is gentle. Otherwise, your teeth will fall out. But it's enough to make your body take notice.

The ligaments that connect teeth to bone begin to bend and lengthen.

The bone around the roots of your teeth break down and reform.

Your gums reform around the new placement of the tooth, so no gaps remain.

Every system that applies pressure can move your teeth. For most of human history, the preferred system involved braces.

Braces technology: A timeline

  • 1728: Pierre Fauchard publishes what is considered the first book about dentistry and orthodontics.

  • 1819: Christophe-Francois Delabarre creates the earliest form of braces.

  • 1822: J.S. Gunnel invents the first form of headgear.

  • Early 20th century: Orthodontists begin to wrap wires around teeth to move them.

  • Mid-20th century: Stainless-steel braces are used for the first time.

  • 1970s: Dentists start gluing brackets to teeth, instead of wrapping wires around them.

  • 1990s: Aligners are developed.

Ancient braces: crude and painful

Archaeologists have uncovered mummies with teeth wrapped in wire and brackets. At first, experts suspected that these ancient people were wearing braces. Now, most suspect that tooth wrapping was part of the body burial prep process. 

Real braces, as we know them, were developed in the 1700s. Researchers explain that Pierre Fauchard is the accepted father of orthodontia. He used a variety of tools in his work, including these:

Metal strips sat in front of the teeth with wires wrapping around each tooth root.

A tool shaped like a bird's beak forcefully shoved a tooth from one place to another.

He tied teeth together after significant adjustments until the mouth healed.

As the years went on, other dental professionals built on this work. They began extracting teeth to ease crowding issues, and they used tools to expand the arch of the teeth.

Plates, screws, and other appliances crowded the mouths of early customers. Some had smiles cluttered with metal, but others had teeth covered with bone, fabric, wood, and other materials.

Are modern braces better?

Modern orthodontists don't whack at teeth with crude tools, and they don't cover up mouths with wood or catgut. But current orthodontic procedures might be very familiar to people living in the 1700s. The basic goals and methods are the same. 

Until the 1970s, reporters explain, doctors wrapped wires around teeth to move them. Sophisticated and durable glues were made that allowed brackets to sit securely on teeth for the length of the treatment program. That main innovation changed braces, but the rest remains the same. 

Sign up for braces, and your teeth will be connected by wires that shift about every 30 days. The braces apply constant pressure, and since they can't be removed, it's almost impossible for you to interfere with your doctor's treatment plan. 

Your doctor might augment the wires and brackets with other tools, including these:

These metal pieces connect hardware at the back of your mouth.

Bands attach to your braces and put special pressure on your molars to correct large overbites or underbites.

These sit between molars and encourage teeth to move.

Coiled bits on the wires of your braces press teeth apart.

If you need all of these tools, and some people do, it might be hard to see your teeth behind all of the metal and rubber and springs. And you might feel a whole lot like someone wearing a medieval torture device.

The technology that supports braces is hundreds of years old and for some people, braces are the only way to improve their smiles, but for many others, aligners offer a better way to move teeth.

DID YOU KNOW Aligners work for many orthodontic issues and can cost thousands less than braces.

Why do people choose braces?

Some mouths need many adjustments to ensure an enhanced smile. It might seem cruel or unusual to wrap someone's entire mouth with wires and bands and springs. And honestly, some people need all of that help to feel healthy and comfortable in their smiles. 

But many people do not. And braces can be hard to live with.

Braces simply never come off, even if you want to remove them, and your teeth need care while your smile is moving. To care for your teeth, you must do the following:

Every time you eat, bits of food can stick in the brackets and wires. Regular brushing, at least two times a day but recommended after every meal, helps you wipe the debris away.

Food and plaque can stick between teeth, so flossing is crucial. But you will need a special tool to do this job, as wires will interrupt traditional flossing techniques.

Hard candy, popcorn, gum, and other common foods can damage braces.

Braces can also be painful. Wires can break and stab lips and gums until they bleed. Brackets can push and scrape on the inside of the lips and cause ulcers and sores. 

Those wounds can take a long time to heal, as the contact between the injury and the hardware remains until the braces come out. And moving teeth can also be inherently painful. 

A man who wore braces for many years described how he felt when his hardware was removed. He says he felt as though a 10-pound weight had been removed from the front of his face. He struggled to walk upright, as his body felt so different.

Few people would choose to live with discomfort like this unless they absolutely have to do so. For some people, a very viable second option exists.

Aligners are a better route.

Like braces, clear aligners apply continuous gentle pressure to move teeth into their optimal position in order to create the best possible bite and smile.

But while braces use a system that’s effective but possibly inefficient or even antiquated for some dental problems, aligners utilize modern technology and a modern attitude toward the needs of today’s dental patient to make orthodontic treatment more convenient, affordable, and efficient than ever before.

How do aligners work?

The aligner treatment process begins with a tooth scan or impression kit in order to get a clear picture of your current bite and orthodontic issues. Using software and orthodontic expertise, the aligner provider then determines where your teeth need to move to in order to achieve your most optimal smile. 

This ideal smile could be considered the goal or end point. They then create a series of aligners to get you there.

The aligner trays are custom-made and fit snugly over your teeth, applying gentle pressure to gradually move them. Each tray is worn for about two weeks, for over 20 hours a day. 

The aligners are shaped to copy your teeth, but with subtle changes (like predetermined pressure points and changes to tooth shape) that will move them along the “route” to your end-point — the optimal smile.


Premium aligners are clear, unnoticeable, and designed for comfort. Top providers create aligner trays from precision-cut material that is thin but durable, achieving a fit that’s natural-feeling yet effective.

Although some pressure is required to move teeth, the gentle progression of aligners allows for gradual movement. 

Clear aligners are removable, so they won’t interfere with daily activities like eating or exercise. They can also be taken out as needed for special events, meetings, and interviews.

Because clear aligners can be taken out, they’re also easier to care for and won’t make oral hygiene more difficult or time-consuming. Any set dental devices (like braces) can create more crevices and hidden areas for plaque and bacteria to accumulate (for example, the space between the tooth and braces), therefore leading to an increased risk of decay or gum problems. 

But aligners can simply be removed and cleaned as you complete your regular dental care routine.

At-home convenience

While braces require multiple in-office visits and adjustments, clear aligner treatment offers virtual and mail-order options to make life easier

Some providers may require an initial in-office consultation. Others, including Byte, allow aligner treatment to be fully completed from home or virtually. 

Treatment will start with an in-home impression kit that ensures you’re a candidate for clear aligners. Your treatment plan will be designed from the completed impression kit. The aligner trays will then be mailed to you, and your progress will be monitored by professionals as you achieve your best smile.

An affordable alternative

With prices ranging from around $1,800 to $2,500, clear aligners are generally less expensive than braces, which can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000. Lingual braces, which are cemented to the back of the teeth for a less noticeable appearance, can cost even more.

Many aligner providers also offer payment plans.

Precision + technology = faster results

Aligners apply subtle pressure to all of your teeth at once, shifting them into a well-designed series of stages until they reach their desired positions. This continuous, all-over pressure provides faster results. While braces treatment can take 1–3 years to complete, clear aligners usually achieve smile goals in 4–8 months. 

Some companies also offer accessories that improve the process. Byte’s HyperByte device (included in the Byte aligner kit), for example, uses high-frequency vibration to massage the gums and mouth. Devices like this may minimize discomfort and have been shown to improve results as well.

Modern companies with straightforward pricing

Dealing with dental billing can be a headache. There’s often additional fees and unexpected procedural costs, and it can be hard to get a clear answer on what exactly the out-of-pocket costs are going to be.

Customer service can also be a gamble. It all depends on your dentist and their office policies and attitude.

Top clear aligner companies are providing a very different experience. Customer service is often available through phone or online chat as well as through email.

With a focus on transparency, the most popular aligner providers charge for an impression kit, and then a clearly stated one-time fee for a complete aligner set. Some, including Byte, also offer a straightforward guarantee that ensures that if you need more aligners or if your teeth shift in the future, you’ll be covered.

Are aligners right for you?

Researchers say aligners are viable alternatives to braces for people with mild or moderate misalignment issues. 

If your teeth need quite a bit of help to move in the right direction, aligners may not offer enough support. But if your smile needs less intensive work, this technology could be just right for you.

Frequently asked questions

The American Association of Orthodontists says children ages 9 to 14 can start orthodontic treatment as long as their adult teeth are in place. Some orthodontists use Invisalign aligners in their very young patients. At-home companies like Byte often require children to be 12 and older.

Aligners are typically more comfortable than braces. They’re smooth, so they are less likely to cut your lips, tongue, and gums. You can also take them out to brush your teeth, so you may have less pain from swollen gums due to tooth decay.

Yes. In-person treatment with aligners and braces works in much the same way, as a dental professional always checks your mouth during your adjustment visits. At-home aligners can also be safe, as long as you choose a company that uses dentists to monitor your plan and enables things like video chats for routine exams.

Disclaimer: This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to serve as dental or other professional health advice and is not intended to be used for diagnosis or treatment of any condition or symptom. You should consult a dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.
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