7 Tips for Root Canal Aftercare: Pain Relief & Avoiding Infection.

Clinical Content Reviewed by Dr. Jay Khorsandi, DDS
Last Modified:

Table of Contents

  1. Common Procedure Aftercare
  2. Aftercare Steps
  3. Good Oral Health
  4. References

Most people experience at least mild or moderate discomfort and pain after getting a root canal.

If pain gets worse or does not go away in a few days, work with your dentist to determine the underlying cause. Otherwise, practice good aftercare at home to avoid infection and manage pain.

Root canals: common procedures that require aftercare.

A root canal can help save a tooth from damage associated with decay. On average, 16.4 million teeth in the United States receive root canal treatment every year.

While the term root canal may seem a little intimidating, as it is often used to describe an excruciating situation, this is a very common procedure with great results for the majority of people who receive it. It is an outpatient procedure that can be performed by an endodontist, using local anesthesia.

Recovery is also fairly rapid. It takes only a few days until pain and swelling subside and you begin to feel normal.

Surveys have shown that 3 to 6 percent of people who get root canals experience severe pain in the days after treatment.

7 steps to take after a root canal to relieve pain and avoid infection.

Beneath the enamel and dentin layers in your teeth is a type of tissue called pulp. The pulp contains nerve endings, blood vessels, and connective tissue to help your tooth grow during its development. If you get a gum infection or break the tooth, the pulp can become infected, leading to the need for a root canal.

Fortunately, this procedure is quick, simple, and comes with an easy recovery. You will experience a little pain and discomfort in the days following it. You can manage this pain at home with some common post-dental procedure recommendations.

Here are steps you can take to treat pain after a root canal and encourage the healing process:

The importance of good oral health after a root canal.

Although root canals are common procedures, you can still expect to experience some discomfort, pain, and fatigue after the procedure. It is still a type of surgery, and your body will need time to heal.

On top of the above recommendations to reduce pain and avoid infection, there are some additional steps you can take to support overall healing.

Disclaimer: This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to serve as dental or other professional health advice and is not intended to be used for diagnosis or treatment of any condition or symptom. You should consult a dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.